
were already celine handbags in charge

President Take Command Enough is enough! After the latest failure by British Petroleum to plug the gaping hole, it is time for President Obama to take full command of this growing national catastrophe. Immediately!
The President in his press conference this past Thursday assured the nation that he and his administration were already celine handbags in charge and he has manfully taken personal responsibility buck stops here as he echoed Harry Truman. Well, it may be true that BP has been acting all along under the oversight of the federal government but that supervision has been loose and ineffective. To the world, it has been apparent that the government has been riding shotgun and BP has been at the wheel. It time for the White House to get in the driver seat and get us to safety fast.
First off, who can now trust BP to do the job right? From the beginning, it has appeared to be more interested in shoring up its stock price than in playing straight and solving the problem. It took reckless short cuts in opening up the rig, had no serious plan in place for a disaster, lowballed early estimates of the spill, has highballed its chances of stopping the leak and has kept both the government and the public too much in the dark. And its efforts on shore are increasingly pathetic can it really have failed to protect the safety of beach workers and have stage managed the cleanup when Obama was there, as reported? It was a mistake to http://www.celinehandbagse.com/ leave our fate in the hands of this company as long as we have.
Second, even if BP were reliable, the problem has clearly become too big for it to handle, as Colin Powell is now arguing on television. We have been told for days that the top kill procedure was BP best hope for stopping the leak and if that failed, we would likely have to wait until BP drilled new wells which might be as late as August. We can wait that long. BP is especially not up to the task of protecting our precious shorelines and cleaning up the beaches. military.

Third, this catastrophe is increasingly threatening the nation welfare. With a potentially dangerous storm season just around the corner, a continuing gush of oil will not only pose huge, longterm damage to the Gulf region but could easily wash the oil around the tip of Florida and up the East Coast. The loss to livelihoods, the economy and to ways of life would be immeasurable. It would be worse than Katrina and Exxon Valdez put together. Unless we solve this soon, this spill could do the offshore drilling what Three Mile Island did to nuclear power darn near kill it. Obama is right that it is a wakeup call to end our addiction to oil, but we need some forms of off shore oil as a bridge to that future.answers.

