Model Elle Schneider Divulges Details of Luke Worrall Affair
Who is model Elle Schneider? She is the man that had an affair with Luke
Worrall, who was Kelly Osbourne's boyfriend at the time. Yes, you have entered
the Twilight Zone. Schneider was born a man named, Reynaldo Gonzalez, and the
model Celine is
awaiting a gender reassignment surgery.
Elle Schneider explained that Luke Worrall knew that she was really a man,
when the two slept together in the first part of 2010 at a Four Season hotel.
Schneider stated, "He knew instantaneously He was definitely not turned off by
it at any point. In fact, he was turned on. He made it very obvious."
After the model's escapade with Kelly Osbourne's boyfriend, the two celine handbag
separated until November of 2010. Worrall told Schneider that things were over
between him and Osbourne. However, he lied, of course. He and Osbourne were
really in the process of trying to work things out.
Kelly Osbourne found messages online from Worrall to Elle Schneider, so the
two had a little chat. Isn't that sweet?
Schneider stated, "I gave her an idea of who I was. I was never mean And I
was always there to listen when she would cry or call me. And she told me know I understand what he sees in you
and I respect that I [have] no ill intent towards her. She and I are still good
It is high unlikely that Kelly Osbourne thinks of the woman that stole her
man, but it sounds as if Kelly was respectful of Schneider regardless.
So, what is going on with Luke Worrall? Well, he is without Kelly Osbourne or
Elle Schneider, because he and the model cut ties in the past month. Welcome to
life in Hollyweird or celine
handbags online the Twilight Zone, whichever you wish to call